Aces System

ACES is an easy to use program developed by engineers for the analysis and design of a wide range of bridge structures.  Continuous beams, frames, grillages, slabs, culverts, wingwalls, tanks and box girders can be quickly modelled and analysed.  Generating complex moving vehicle and lane loadings is a snap, while modelling incrementally launched girder bridges and calculating section properties has never been easier!

The system is fully compatible with Windows XP and will run successfully under WINDOWS 7/8/10 providing it has been properly configured to run under those operating systems.  Click here for further information if running under WINDOWS 7/8/10.

Click here for a summary of the new features in the latest release of the program (V7.5)

Add-on and Supported Products

PSC Design Module  (PSC)

Culvert Design Module  (CULVERT)

Continuous Beam Module  (CBM)

Incrementally Launched Beam Module  (ILB)

Download a free ACES demo version

Check out the full program features

HLR Heavy Load Assessment System

CRACKSEC Cracked section analysis

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